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操作系统原理(PPT讲稿)Windows OS Principles(Windows XP)

 2.1 Structuring of the Windows Operating System  Architecture Overview  Program Execution Environment  Kernel Mode Architecture  System Threads  System Processes / Services  2.2 Windows Core System Mechanisms  Object Manager & Handles  Local Procedure Calls  Exception Handling  Memory Pools  2.3 Windows on Windows - OS Personalities  Environment Subsystems  System Service Dispatching  Windows on Windows -16bit  Windows on Windows -64bit  2.4 The Windows API - Naming, Conventions, Types

Windows OS Principles Instructor. Hengming Zou, Ph. D n Pursuit of Absolute Simplicity求于至简,归于永恒

Windows OS Principles Instructor: Hengming Zou, Ph.D. In Pursuit of Absolute Simplicity求于至简,归于永恒

斗 长 Content outline ¥斗 ★★ o 2.1 Structuringof the WindowsOperating System o 2.2 Windaws Core SystemMechanisms o 23 Windawson Windows-os personalities o 2. 4 The Windows APl-Naming Conventions, Types

2 Content Outline  2.1 Structuring of the Windows Operating System  2.2 Windows Core System Mechanisms  2.3 Windows on Windows - OS Personalities  2.4 The Windows API - Naming, Conventions, Types

★ 2. 1 Structuringof windows OS ¥斗 ★★ s Architecture Overview o Progam Exection Environment o Kemel mode architecture o SystemThreads o SystemProcesses/ Services

3 2.1 Structuring of Windows OS  Architecture Overview  Program Execution Environment  Kernel Mode Architecture  System Threads  System Processes / Services

★ “长 Simplified OS Architecture ¥斗 ★★ System support Service User Environment processesprocesses applications subsystems User Subsystem DLLS Mode Kemel M ode Executive Windowin Kemel Device drivers and graphics Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL

4 System support processes Service processes User applications Environment subsystems Subsystem DLLs Executive Kernel Device drivers Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) Windowing and graphics User Mode Kernel Mode Simplified OS Architecture

斗 长 OS Architecture ¥斗 ★★ o Multiple personality OFdesign user applications don 't call the native Windowsoperatingsystem services directly o SubsystemDLLs is to translatea documented function into the appropriate intemal (and undocumented Windowssystemservice

5 OS Architecture  Multiple personality OS design – user applications don't call the native Windows operating system services directly  Subsystem DLLs is to translate a documented function into the appropriate internal (and undocumented) Windows system service calls

★ “长 OS Architecture ¥斗 ★★ o Environment subsystemprocesses Manage dient processesin theirword Impose semantics such as processmodel, security o Windows2000 shippedwith three environment subsystems: Win32, POSIX, and oS/2 XP has only Windows subsystem Win32 only one that matters DoS, Win3. 1 emulated by a Win32 progam Enhanced posX subsystemavailable(Interix)

6 OS Architecture  Environment subsystem processes – Manage client processes in their world – Impose semantics such as process model, security  Windows 2000 shipped with three environment subsystems: Win32, POSIX, and OS/2 – XP has only Windows subsystem – Win32 only one that matters – DOS, Win 3.1 emulated by a Win32 program – Enhanced POSIX subsystem available (Interix)

★ “长 OS Architecture ¥斗 ★★ System Service U support Environment processes applications processes subsystems Subsystem DLLs User mode Kernel mode Executive Windowing Kernel Device drivers and graphIcs Hardware abstraction layer(HAL

7 OS Architecture

斗 长 Kenel-Mode Components: Core OS ¥斗 ★★ o Core Osoontains twocomponents Executive and Kemel both contained in file ntoskmlexe ≈ Executive base operatingsystemservices memory management processand thread management, security, IO, inter-processcommunication

8 Kernel-Mode Components: Core OS  Core OS contains two components: – Executive and Kernel – both contained in file Ntoskrnl.exe  Executive – base operating system services, – memory management, process and thread management, – security, I/O, inter-process communication

斗 长 Kenel-Mode Components: Core OS ¥斗 ★★ o Kemel low-level operatingsystemfunctions thread scheduling intemuptandexceptiondispatdhing multiprocessorsyndhronization. o Kernel provides a set of routines basicobjects that the rest of the exective uses to implement higher-level constructs

9 Kernel-Mode Components: Core OS  Kernel – low-level operating system functions, – thread scheduling, interrupt and exception dispatching, – multiprocessor synchronization.  Kernel provides a set of routines & basic objects – that the rest of the executive uses to implement higher-level constructs

斗 长 Kemel-Mode Components: Drivers ¥斗 ★★ o Device drivers hardware device drivers translate user yo function calls into specific hardware device Iyo requests virtual devices-systemvolumes and network protocols Contained in files ending in Sys

10 Kernel-Mode Components: Drivers  Device drivers – hardware device drivers translate user I/O function calls into specific hardware device I/O requests – virtual devices - system volumes and network protocols – Contained in files ending in .Sys
