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广西医科大学:《计算机网络 Computer Networking》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Chapter 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT

17-1 Introduction 17-2 Why is needs 17-3 Management's responsibility 17-4 types of threat • Security Architecture • Security attacks • Security services

CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT PART THREE INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 17 Examines the vital topic of network security and explains many ways in which networks can be made more secure CHAPTER 18 You will cover encryption digital signatures, and digital certificates in detail, and you will understand the importance of user IDs and strong passwords CHAPTER 19 You will investigate the threat of viruses and other network perils as well as steps that can be taken to minimize their Impact

PART THREE INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 17 Examines the vital topic of network security and explains many ways in which networks can be made more secure. CHAPTER 18 You will cover encryption, digital signatures, and digital certificates in detail, and you will understand the importance of user IDs and strong passwords. CHAPTER 19 You will investigate the threat of viruses and other network perils as well as steps that can be taken to minimize their impact. CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT

CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT Chapter 18 Explains network design and implementation process Learn that designing a new or changed network is a multiphase activity That requires user involvement along the way Study the various steds in the process, sted that are described and illustrated Explains network design and implementation process. Learn that designing a new or changed network is a multiphase activity That requires user involvement along the way . Study the various steds in the process, sted that are described and illustrated. Chapter 18 CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT

A CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT Chapter 19 Describes network management and operations process Explore the reasons for managing a network and the standard management functions that are put into a network context Learn the practical issues of day-to-day operation of a network problem management, performance management configuration management, change management

Chapter 19 Describes network management and operations process. Explore the reasons for managing a network and the standard management functions that are put into a network context. Learn the practical issues of day-to-day operation of a network: problem management, performance management , configuration management, change management CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT

9 CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT Chapter 17 Network Security 17-IIntroduction 17-2 Why is needs 17-3 Management's responsibili 17-4 types of threat Security architecture Security attacks Security services

Chapter 17 Network Security 17-1 Introduction 17-2 Why is needs 17-3 Management's responsibility 17-4 types of threat • Security Architecture • Security attacks • Security services CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT

CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT 17-1 OBJECTIVES Explain why it is necessary Discuss management's responsibility Describe key elements of a network security policy; ist the types of security threats Explain purpose, pros, and cons of encryption

17-1 OBJECTIVES Explain why it is necessary; Discuss management's responsibility; Describe key elements of a network security policy; List the types of security threats; Explain purpose, pros, and cons of encryption; CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT

CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT 17-1 OBJECTIVES Describe how symmetric and asymmetric key-based encryption system work Digital signatures and certificates Describe various types of network accesss control Discuss disaster recovery planning Describe the security of home network

Describe how symmetric and asymmetric key-based encryption system work; Digital signatures and certificates; Describe various types of network accesss control ; Discuss disaster recovery planning; Describe the security of home network; CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT 17-1 OBJECTIVES

CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT 17-1 INTRODUCTION Describes network security Explains the types of security threats The various measures to increase a network's security It also includes being able to recover from security incidents

17-1 INTRODUCTION Describes network security . Explains the types of security threats. The various measures to increase a network's security. It also includes being able to recover from security incidents. CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT

CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT 17-2 Security Is NOT 半 像戲 17-2 Security Is NOT Enough No longer can a business be operated without having access to information and a reliable communication system. Usually, the value of the data stored on networked computers far exceeds ,The cost of the networks themselves. Security CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT

CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT 17-2 Why Security 目标和破坏 的范围 快速变化的威胁 全面框架 econds 下一代 区域网络 Flash Minutes threats 多个LAN Massive 第三代 worm- Days Distribute driven 单个LAN Weeks第二代 d denial DDOS Macro of service· Damagin 第一代 Blended vIruses g payload 单个pc threats Boot worms Denial of viruses service 1980s 1990s Today Future 17-2 Why Security ⚫Hacker ⚫Cybercrime and Cyberterror ⚫Attacks on the scope and time TOOLS工具 HIGH LOW 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 猜口令 自我复制程序 口令破解 攻击已知漏洞 破坏审计 后门程序 干扰通信 手动探测 窃听 数据包欺骗 图形化界面自动扫描 拒绝服务 www攻击 攻击者 攻击者的 知识水平 攻击的复杂度 隐秘且高级的扫描工具 偷窃信息 网管探测 分布式攻击工具 新型的跨主机工具 网络信息系统 内部人员威胁 拒绝服务攻 击 逻辑炸弹 特洛伊木马 黑客攻击 计算机病毒 信息泄漏、 篡改、破 坏 后门、隐蔽通道 蠕虫 社会工程 天 灾 系统Bug 全面框架 区域网络 多个LAN 单个LAN 单个pc 目标和破坏 的范围 1980s 1990s Today Future 第一代 • Boot viruses Weeks 第二代 • Macro viruses • Denial of service Days 第三代 • Distribute d denial of service • Blended threats Minutes 下一代 • Flash threats • Massive worm￾driven DDoS • Damagin g payload worms Seconds 快速变化的威胁 CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT

CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT 17-2 Why Network Security is Needed Large and small organizations of all types are becoming increasingly dependent on networks to carry on their activities o In the past, networks were main private. easy to control with the rise of the Internet and its use for conducting business, network are more open OIt is virtually impossible to eliminate all network security

17-2 Why Network Security is Needed ⚫large and small organizations of all types are becoming increasingly dependent on networks to carry on their activities. ⚫In the past, networks were main private. easy to control. ⚫ with the rise of the Internet and its use for conducting business, network are more open. ⚫It is virtually impossible to eliminate all network security . CHAPTER 17 NETWORK MANAGEMENT
