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四川大学:《操作系统 Operating System》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Chapter 1 Computer System Overview

• 1.0 Intro • 1.1 Basic Elements • 1.2 Processor Registers • 1.3 Instruction Execution • 1.4 Interrupts • 1.5 The Memory Hierarchy • 1.6 Cache Memory • 1.7 I/O Communication Techniques • 1.8 Evolution of Microprocessor

川大荸 出国示性软件学院 soLarIS Macos Operating System symbian OPENSHIFT ICROSOI CLOUD NDOW E: Blackberry Ubuntu Chaptero1 Computer System Overview

Operating System Chapter01 Computer System Overview 1

Chapterol Computer system overview ·1.0 Intro ·1.1 Basic e| ements 1.2 Processor Registers 1.3 In struction execution 1.4 Interrupts 1.5 The memory hierarchy ·1.6 Cache Memory 1.7I0 Communication Techniques 1. 8 Evolution of Microprocessor

Chapter01 Computer System Overview • 1.0 Intro • 1.1 Basic Elements • 1.2 Processor Registers • 1.3 Instruction Execution • 1.4 Interrupts • 1.5 The Memory Hierarchy • 1.6 Cache Memory • 1.7 I/O Communication Techniques • 1.8 Evolution of Microprocessor 2

1.0 Intro(1/1) Operating System概述 承上: Provides a set of services to systen users ·启下:EXp| oits the hardware resources of One or more processors Main memory Manages io devices secondary memory Network Card

1.0 Intro(1/1) • Operating System 概述 • 承上:Provides a set of services to system users • 启下:Exploits the hardware resources of • One or more processors • Main memory • Manages I/O devices • secondary memory • Network Card • … 3

Chapterol Computer system overview ·1.0 Intro ·1.1 Basic elements 1.2 Processor Registers 1.3 In struction execution 1.4 Interrupts 1.5 The memory hierarchy ·1.6 Cache Memory 1.7I0 Communication Techniques 1. 8 Evolution of Microprocessor

Chapter01 Computer System Overview • 1.0 Intro • 1.1 Basic Elements • 1.2 Processor Registers • 1.3 Instruction Execution • 1.4 Interrupts • 1.5 The Memory Hierarchy • 1.6 Cache Memory • 1.7 I/O Communication Techniques • 1.8 Evolution of Microprocessor 4

1.1 Basic Elements(1/2) Processor(处理器) Main Memory(内存 Volati|e(易失性) referred to as real memory(实存) or primary memory(主存) ˉⅠ/ O modules(输入/输出模块) secondary memory devices (disk communications equipment terminals System bus(系统总线) communication among processors, memory, and I/o modules

1.1 Basic Elements(1/2) •Processor(处理器) •Main Memory(内存) • Volatile (易失性) • referred to as real memory(实存) or primary memory(主存) •I/O modules(输入/输出模块) • secondary memory devices (disk) • communications equipment • terminals • System bus(系统总线) • communication among processors, memory, and I/O modules 5

1.1 Basic Elements(2/2) CPU Main Memory PC MAR Bus Instruction Instruction Instruction IR MBR VOAR Data Execution unit I/O BR Data Data Data IO Module PC Program counter Butters IR gis MAR Memory address register MBR Memory buffer register I/O AR= Input/output address register I/O BR= Input/output buffer register

1.1 Basic Elements(2/2) 6

Chapterol Computer system overview ·1.0 Intro ·1.1 Basic elements 1.2 Processor Registers 1.3 In struction execution 1.4 Interrupts 1.5 The memory hierarchy ·1.6 Cache Memory 1.7I0 Communication Techniques 1. 8 Evolution of Microprocessor

Chapter01 Computer System Overview • 1.0 Intro • 1.1 Basic Elements • 1.2 Processor Registers • 1.3 Instruction Execution • 1.4 Interrupts • 1.5 The Memory Hierarchy • 1.6 Cache Memory • 1.7 I/O Communication Techniques • 1.8 Evolution of Microprocessor 7

1.2 Processor Registers (1/4) What is registers Memory inside CPu . why Registers Enable CPu to minimize main-memory references Can be classified into User-visib| e registers(用户可见寄存器) Control and status registers(控制和状态寄存器)

1.2 Processor Registers(1/4) • What is Registers • Memory inside CPU • Why Registers • Enable CPU to minimize main-memory references • Can be classified into: • User-visible registers(用户可见寄存器) • Control and status registers(控制和状态寄存器) 8

1.2 Processor Registers (2/4) User-Visible registers How to use: May be referenced(访问/存取) by machine assemble language .Who will use: Available to all programs application programs system programs int fO register intⅰ=0 for(int X=0×<100000×X++) i++;

1.2 Processor Registers(2/4) • User-Visible Registers • How to use:May be referenced(访问/存取) by machine/assemble language • Who will use:Available to all programs • application programs • system programs int f() { register int i=0; for(int x=0;x<100000;x++) i++; 9

1.2 Processor Registers(3/4) Control and status registers Function: are used to control the operation of the processor Most are not visible to the user Some may be accessibly by machine nstruction in control or system mode

1.2 Processor Registers(3/4) • Control and Status Registers • Function:are used to control the operation of the processor • Most are not visible to the user. • Some may be accessibly by machine instruction in control or system mode 10
