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《普通物理Ⅱ(电磁与光)(英文)》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 英文名称 General PhysicsⅡ 课程代码 PHYS1026 课程性质专业核心课程 授课对象 本科生 学分 4 学时 72 主讲教师 冯岩、刘牡 修订日期 2021年 指定教材 H.D Young and R.A.Freedman,Sear and Zemansky's University Physics with Moderr Physics,12th Edition,Pearson Education,008(chapter 21-34). 二、课程目标 (一)总体目标: The main goals of this and of basic electricity& skills.(3)to a command of basic optics.After taking this cours students should be able to:(1) mnmc em波ome Cn AC circuits;(3)describe simple electrical components(resistors,capacitors,inductors) and measurement devices (ammeters,ohmmeters);(4)describe the relationship between electricity magnetism and understand the Maxwell's equations;(5) understand the principles of geometrical optics. (二)课程目标: 课程目标1: After taking this ou,students should be able to apply various laws (Coulomb's Faraday's,Ohm's,Lenz's,etc.)to solve problems in electromagnetism and to calculate current,potential,resistance,power for simple DC and AC circuits. 课程目标2: After taking this course,students should be able to describe simple electrical components (resistors,capacitors,inductors)and measurement devices (ammeters ohmmeters)and to describe the relationship between electricity magnetism and understand the Maxwell's equations. 课程目标3: After taking this course.students should be able to understand the principles of

1 《普通物理 II(电磁与光)(英文)》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 英文名称 General Physics II 课程代码 PHYS1026 课程性质 专业核心课程 授课对象 本科生 学 分 4 学 时 72 主讲教师 冯岩、刘壮 修订日期 2021 年 指定教材 H. D Young and R. A. Freedman, Sear and Zemansky's University Physics with Modern Physics, 12th Edition, Pearson Education, 2008 (chapter 21 - 34). 二、课程目标 (一)总体目标: The main goals of this course are: (1) to gain a command of basic electricity & magnetism theory, (2) to develop mathematical and problem solving skills, (3) to gain a command of basic optics. After taking this course, students should be able to: (1) apply various laws (Coulomb’s, Faraday’s, Ohm’s, Lenz’s, etc.) to solve problems in electromagnetism; (2) calculate current, potential, resistance, power for simple DC and AC circuits; (3) describe simple electrical components (resistors, capacitors, inductors) and measurement devices (ammeters, ohmmeters); (4) describe the relationship between electricity & magnetism and understand the Maxwell’s equations; (5) understand the principles of geometrical optics. (二)课程目标: 课程目标 1: After taking this course, students should be able to apply various laws (Coulomb’s, Faraday’s, Ohm’s, Lenz’s, etc.) to solve problems in electromagnetism and to calculate current, potential, resistance, power for simple DC and AC circuits. 课程目标 2: After taking this course, students should be able to describe simple electrical components (resistors, capacitors, inductors) and measurement devices (ammeters, ohmmeters) and to describe the relationship between electricity & magnetism and understand the Maxwell’s equations. 课程目标 3: After taking this course, students should be able to understand the principles of

geometrical optics. (要求参照《普通高等学校本科专业类教学质量国家标准》,对应各类专业认证标准, 注意对毕业要求支撞程度强图的描球,与“课程目标对毕业要求的支学关系表一致)(五号宋 (三)课程目标与毕业要求、课程内容的对应关系(小四号黑体) 表1:课程目标与课程内容、毕业要求的对应关系表(五号宋体) 课程目标 对应课程内容 对应毕业要求 1 Electrical charge&electric field 2 Gauss's law 3 Electric potential 4 Capacitance&dielectrics Being able to apply various 5 Current resistance laws (Coulomb's, Faraday's,Ohm's. 6 DC eireuit Lenz's.etc.)to solve 课程目标1 1 Magnetic field&magnetic problems in forces calculate current, 8 magnetic field potential,resistance. Electromagnetic induction part power for simple DC and 9 Electromagnetic inductior AC circuits part2&Mid-term exam 10 Inductance 11 AC 12 Electromagnetic waves

2 geometrical optics. (要求参照《普通高等学校本科专业类教学质量国家标准》,对应各类专业认证标准, 注意对毕业要求支撑程度强弱的描述,与“课程目标对毕业要求的支撑关系表一致)(五号宋 体) (三)课程目标与毕业要求、课程内容的对应关系(小四号黑体) 表 1:课程目标与课程内容、毕业要求的对应关系表 (五号宋体) 课程目标 对应课程内容 对应毕业要求 课程目标 1 1 Electrical charge & electric field 2 Gauss’s law 3 Electric potential 4 Capacitance & dielectrics 5 Current & resistance 6 DC circuit 7 Magnetic field & magnetic forces 8 magnetic field & Electromagnetic induction part 1 9 Electromagnetic induction part 2 & Mid-term exam 10 Inductance 11 AC 12 Electromagnetic waves Being able to apply various laws (Coulomb’s, Faraday’s, Ohm’s, Lenz’s, etc.) to solve problems in electromagnetism and to calculate current, potential, resistance, power for simple DC and AC circuits

Electrical charge&electri field 2 Gauss's law 3 Electric potential Capacitance&dielectric Being able to describe simple electrical 5 Current&resistance components 6 DC circuit capacitors, ors)and measurement devices 课程目标2 7 Magnetic field&magnetic forees (ammeters,ohmmeters) and to describe the 8 magnetic field& relationship between Electromagnetic induction part l electricity magnetism 9 Electromagnetic induction understand the Maxwell's equations part2&Mid-term exam 10 Inductance 11 AC 12 Electromagnetic waves 13 Light propagation Being able to 课程目标3 14 Geometric optics&optical understand the r inciple instruments of geometrical optics. (大类基础课程、专业教学课程及开放选修课程按照本科教学手册中各专业拟定的毕业 要求填写“对应毕业要求”栏。通识教育课程含通识选修课程、新生研讨课程及公共基础课程, 面向专业为工科、师范、医学等有专业认证标准的专业,按照专业认证通用标准填写“对应 毕业要求”栏:面向其他尚未有专业认证标准的专业,按照本科教学手册中各专业拟定的毕 业要求填写“对应毕业要求”栏。) 三、教学内容 (具体描述各章节教学目标、教学内容等。实验课程可按实验模块描述) 第-章Electrical charge&electric field l.教学目标Introduction,.Coulomb's law,electric-field calculation,electricaldipoles 2.教学重难点Electric--field calculation 3

3 课程目标 2 1 Electrical charge & electric field 2 Gauss’s law 3 Electric potential 4 Capacitance & dielectrics 5 Current & resistance 6 DC circuit 7 Magnetic field & magnetic forces 8 magnetic field & Electromagnetic induction part 1 9 Electromagnetic induction part 2 & Mid-term exam 10 Inductance 11 AC 12 Electromagnetic waves Being able to describe simple electrical components (resistors, capacitors, inductors) and measurement devices (ammeters, ohmmeters) and to describe the relationship between electricity & magnetism and understand the Maxwell’s equations. 课程目标 3 13 Light propagation 14 Geometric optics & optical instruments Being able to understand the principles of geometrical optics. (大类基础课程、专业教学课程及开放选修课程按照本科教学手册中各专业拟定的毕业 要求填写“对应毕业要求”栏。通识教育课程含通识选修课程、新生研讨课程及公共基础课程, 面向专业为工科、师范、医学等有专业认证标准的专业,按照专业认证通用标准填写“对应 毕业要求”栏;面向其他尚未有专业认证标准的专业,按照本科教学手册中各专业拟定的毕 业要求填写“对应毕业要求”栏。) 三、教学内容 (具体描述各章节教学目标、教学内容等。实验课程可按实验模块描述) 第一章 Electrical charge & electric field 1.教学目标 Introduction, Coulomb’s law, electric-field calculation, electrical dipoles 2.教学重难点 Electric-field calculation

3.Definition and application of Coulomb's law,electric-field calculation,electrical dipoles 4.教学方法Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价Homework and Qui应 第二章Gauss'slaw. 1.教学目标Electric fux,Gauss'slaw&itsapplications 2.教学重难点Electricflux concep 3.教学内容Definition and application of Electric flux,Gaus'slaw 4.牧学方法Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价Homework and Quiz 第三章Electric potential 1.教学目标Electric potential&the calculations,potential gradient 2.教学重难点Potential gradient concept 3.Definition and application of Electric potential&the calculations,potential gradient 4.教学方法Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价Homework and Quiz 第四章Capacitance&dielectrics 1.Capacitors&capacitance,capacitors in series&parallel,energy storage in capacitors, dielectrics 2.教学重难点Capacitance concept and calculation 3.教学内容Defnition and appiction of Capacitors&capacitance,.capacitorsinseries& parallel,energy storae in 4.教学方法Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价Homework and Quiz 第五章Current&resistance 1.教学目标Current,.resistivity,resistance,.electromotive force,energy and power incircuit 2.教学重难点Electromotive force concept 3.Definition and application of Current,resistivity,resistance,electromotive force. energy and power incircui 4.教学方法Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价Homework and Quiz

4 3.教学内容 Definition and application of Coulomb’s law, electric-field calculation, electrical dipoles 4.教学方法 Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价 Homework and Quiz 第二章 Gauss’s law…… 1.教学目标 Electric flux, Gauss’s law & its applications 2.教学重难点 Electric flux concept 3.教学内容 Definition and application of Electric flux, Gauss’s law 4.教学方法 Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价 Homework and Quiz 第三章 Electric potential 1.教学目标 Electric potential & the calculations, potential gradient 2.教学重难点 Potential gradient concept 3.教学内容 Definition and application of Electric potential & the calculations, potential gradient 4.教学方法 Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价 Homework and Quiz 第四章 Capacitance & dielectrics 1.教学目标 Capacitors & capacitance, capacitors in series & parallel, energy storage in capacitors, dielectrics 2.教学重难点 Capacitance concept and calculation 3.教学内容 Definition and application of Capacitors & capacitance, capacitors in series & parallel, energy storage in capacitors, dielectrics 4.教学方法 Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价 Homework and Quiz 第五章 Current & resistance 1.教学目标 Current, resistivity, resistance, electromotive force, energy and power in circuit 2.教学重难点 Electromotive force concept 3.教学内容 Definition and application of Current, resistivity, resistance, electromotive force, energy and power in circuit 4.教学方法 Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价 Homework and Quiz

第六章DC cireuit 1.Resistors in series and parallel,Kirchhoff's rule,electrical measuring instruments,RC circuits 2.教学重难点Complex circuit calculation 3.教学内容Definition and application of Resistors in series and parallel,Kirchhoff's rule, electrical measuring instruments,RC circuits 4.教学方法Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价Homework and Quiz 第七章Magnetic field&magnetic forces 1.Magnetic field,field line&magnetic flux motion of charged particle in magnetic field, torque on a current loop 2.教学重难点Charged paricle 3.教学内容Definition and application of Magnetic field,.field line&magneticfux,motion of charged particle in magnetic field,torque on a current loop 4.教学方法Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价Homework and Quiz 第八章magnetic field&Electromagnetic induction part 1 term exam (in class,without review) 2.教学重难点Magnetic field calculation 3.教学内容Definition and application of Various magnetic field sources,.Ampere'slaw&its application,Faraday's Lenz's laws,motional electromotive for 4.教学方法Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价Homework and Quiz 第九章Electromagnetic induction part2&Mid-term exam l.教学目标Induced electric fields,displacement current 2.教学重难点Displacement current concept 3.教学内容Definition and application of Induced electric fields,displacement current. 4.教学方法Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价Homework and Quiz 第十章Inductance 1.教学目标Mutual&sclf inductance,.inductors,.RL its,LC circuits,LRC series circuits

5 第六章 DC circuit 1.教学目标 Resistors in series and parallel, Kirchhoff’s rule, electrical measuring instruments, RC circuits 2.教学重难点 Complex circuit calculation 3.教学内容 Definition and application of Resistors in series and parallel, Kirchhoff’s rule, electrical measuring instruments, RC circuits 4.教学方法 Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价 Homework and Quiz 第七章 Magnetic field & magnetic forces 1.教学目标 Magnetic field, field line & magnetic flux, motion of charged particle in magnetic field, torque on a current loop 2.教学重难点 Charged particle motion calculation 3.教学内容 Definition and application of Magnetic field, field line & magnetic flux, motion of charged particle in magnetic field, torque on a current loop 4.教学方法 Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价 Homework and Quiz 第八章 magnetic field & Electromagnetic induction part 1 1.教学目标 Various magnetic field sources, Ampere’s law & its application, Faraday’s & Lenz’s laws, motional electromotive force, .Mid-term exam (in class, without review) 2.教学重难点 Magnetic field calculation 3.教学内容 Definition and application of Various magnetic field sources, Ampere’s law & its application, Faraday’s & Lenz’s laws, motional electromotive force 4.教学方法 Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价 Homework and Quiz 第九章 Electromagnetic induction part 2 & Mid-term exam 1.教学目标 Induced electric fields, displacement current 2.教学重难点 Displacement current concept 3.教学内容 Definition and application of Induced electric fields, displacement current. 4.教学方法 Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价 Homework and Quiz 第十章 Inductance 1.教学目标 Mutual & self-inductance, inductors, RL circuits, LC circuits, LRC series circuits

2.教学重难点Inductance calculation 3.教学内容Definition and application of Mutual&self-inductance,inductors,RLcircuits,LC circuits,LRC series eircuits 4.教学方法Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价Homework and Quiz 第十一章AC I.教学目标Phasor&AC,resistance and reactance,LRCcircuits,.power in AC circuits,resonance in AC circuits,transformers 2.教学重难点AC complex circuit calculation 3.教学内容Definition and Phasor&AC,resistance and reactance,.LRCcireuits. power in AC circuits,resonance in AC circuits,transformers 4.教学方法Teaching and discussion 5.,教学评价Homework and Quiz 第十二章Electromagnetic waves plane electromagnetic waves&ligh 2.教学重难点Understanding the physics ofelectromagnetic waves 3.教学内容Definition and application of Maxwell's equation&electromagnetic waves,plane electromagnetic waves light speed.Energy momentum in electromagnetic waves 4.教学方法Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价Homework and Quiz 第十三章Light propagation 1.Light,reflection&refraction,total internal reflection,polarization,Huygen's principle 2.教学重难点Understanding the physics of lights 3.Definition and application of Light,reflection&refraction,total intemal reflection, polarization,Huygen's principle 4.教学方法Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价Homework and Quiz 第十四章Geometric optics&optical instruments l.教学目标Reflection&refraction at plane&spherical surfaces,thin lens,.cameras,cyes

6 2.教学重难点 Inductance calculation 3.教学内容 Definition and application of Mutual & self-inductance, inductors, RL circuits, LC circuits, LRC series circuits 4.教学方法 Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价 Homework and Quiz 第十一章 AC 1.教学目标 Phasor & AC, resistance and reactance, LRC circuits, power in AC circuits, resonance in AC circuits, transformers 2.教学重难点 AC complex circuit calculation 3.教学内容 Definition and application of Phasor & AC, resistance and reactance, LRC circuits, power in AC circuits, resonance in AC circuits, transformers 4.教学方法 Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价 Homework and Quiz 第十二章 Electromagnetic waves 1.教学目标 Maxwell’s equation & electromagnetic waves, plane electromagnetic waves & light speed, Energy & momentum in electromagnetic waves 2.教学重难点 Understanding the physics of electromagnetic waves 3.教学内容 Definition and application of Maxwell’s equation & electromagnetic waves, plane electromagnetic waves & light speed, Energy & momentum in electromagnetic waves 4.教学方法 Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价 Homework and Quiz 第十三章 Light propagation 1.教学目标 Light, reflection & refraction, total internal reflection, polarization, Huygen’s principle 2.教学重难点 Understanding the physics of lights 3.教学内容 Definition and application of Light, reflection & refraction, total internal reflection, polarization, Huygen’s principle 4.教学方法 Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价 Homework and Quiz 第十四章 Geometric optics & optical instruments 1.教学目标 Reflection & refraction at plane & spherical surfaces, thin lens, cameras, eyes

magnifier,microscopes&telescopes 2.教学重难点Calculation of combination of lens and mirrors 3.教学内容Definition and appication of Reflection&efraction at pane&spherical sufaces. thin lens,cameras.eyes,magnifier,microscopes telescopes 4.教学方法Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价Homework and Quiz Final review L.教学目标Final review all previous lecture materials 2.教学重难点Basies of various concepts,Derivation of qtions and calculation 3.教学内容Final review all previous ectre materials 4.教学方法Teaching and discussion 5.牧学评价Homework and Quiz Final exam 1.教学目标Final exam 2.教学重难点Key points of this course 3教学内容Final exam 4.教学方法Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价Exam 四、学时分配(四号黑体) 表2:各章节的具体内容和学时分配表(五号宋体) 章节 章节内容 学时分配 第一章 Electrical charge& 4 electric field 第二章 Gauss's law 4 第三章 Electric potential 第四章 Capacitance 4 dielectrics

7 magnifier, microscopes & telescopes 2.教学重难点 Calculation of combination of lens and mirrors 3.教学内容 Definition and application of Reflection & refraction at plane & spherical surfaces, thin lens, cameras, eyes, magnifier, microscopes & telescopes 4.教学方法 Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价 Homework and Quiz Final review 1.教学目标 Final review all previous lecture materials 2.教学重难点 Basics of various concepts, Derivation of equations and calculation 3.教学内容 Final review all previous lecture materials 4.教学方法 Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价 Homework and Quiz Final exam 1.教学目标 Final exam 2.教学重难点 Key points of this course 3.教学内容 Final exam 4.教学方法 Teaching and discussion 5.教学评价 Exam 四、学时分配(四号黑体) 表 2:各章节的具体内容和学时分配表(五号宋体) 章节 章节内容 学时分配 第一章 Electrical charge & electric field 4 第二章 Gauss’s law 4 第三章 Electric potential 4 第四章 Capacitance & dielectrics 4

第五章 Current&resistance 4 第六章 6 第七章 Magnetic field& 6 magnetic forces 第八章 4 induction part 1 Electromagnetic 第九章 induction part2& 4 Mid-term exam 第十章 Inductance 第十一章 AC 6 第十二章 Electromagnetic waves 第十三章 Light propagation 4 第十四章 Geometric optics optical instruments Final review 2 Final exam 2 五、教学进度(四号黑体) 表3:教学进度表(五号宋体》 周 授课 备 次 章节名称 内容提要 时数 作业及要求 Electrical charge Course Introduction,Coulomb's &electric field law,electric-field calculation, 4 Homework& Quiz electrical dipoles Gauss's law Electric flux,Gauss's law its applications Homework& Quiz Electric potential Electric potential the calculations Homework potential gradient Quiz

8 第五章 Current & resistance 4 第六章 DC circuit 6 第七章 Magnetic field & magnetic forces 6 第八章 magnetic field & Electromagnetic induction part 1 4 第九章 Electromagnetic induction part 2 & Mid-term exam 4 第十章 Inductance 4 第十一章 AC 6 第十二章 Electromagnetic waves 4 第十三章 Light propagation 4 第十四章 Geometric optics & optical instruments 8 Final review 2 Final exam 2 五、教学进度(四号黑体) 表 3:教学进度表(五号宋体) 周 次 章节名称 内容提要 授课 时数 作业及要求 备 注 1 Electrical charge & electric field Course Introduction, Coulomb’s law, electric-field calculation, electrical dipoles 4 Homework & Quiz 2 Gauss’s law Electric flux, Gauss’s law & its applications 4 Homework & Quiz 3 Electric potential Electric potential & the calculations, potential gradient 4 Homework & Quiz

Capacitance&Capacitors&capacitance dielectrics capacitors in seriesparallel 4 Homework energy storage in capacitors Quiz dielectrics Current &Current,resistivity,resistance, Homework resistance electromotive force,energy and 4 power in circuit Quiz Resistors in series and parallel Homework 6 Kirchhoff's rule. electrica 6 Ouiz measuring instruments,RCcircuits Magnetic field Magnetic field field line magnetic forces magnetic flux motion of charge 6 Homework particle in magnetic field,torque on Quiz a current loop magnetic field&Various magnetic field sources Electromagnetic Homework& nduction part Quiz electromotive force Electromagnetic Induced electric fields,displacement induction part 2 current.Exam (without review in Homework &Mid-term class) 4 Quiz exam Inductance Mutual&selfinductance,inductors Homework RL circuits.LC circuits.LRC series circuits Quiz AC Phasor&AC.resistance and 11 reactance, LRC circuits,poweri 6 Homework& AC circuits,resonance in AC Quiz circuits.transformers Electromagnetic Maxwell's equation waves electromagnetic waves. Plane waves&ligh 4 Homework& Quiz speed,Energy momentum in electromagnetic waves Light Light.reflection 13 propagation internal reflection, Homework& Huygen's principle Quiz Geometric optics Reflection&refraction at plane& & optical spherical surfaces,thin lens. Homework 14 8 instruments cameras. eves. magnifier Ouiz microscopes&telescopes Final review Final review all previous lectur Homework& materials Quiz

9 4 Capacitance & dielectrics Capacitors & capacitance, capacitors in series & parallel, energy storage in capacitors, dielectrics 4 Homework & Quiz 5 Current & resistance Current, resistivity, resistance, electromotive force, energy and power in circuit 4 Homework & Quiz 6 DC circuit Resistors in series and parallel, Kirchhoff’s rule, electrical measuring instruments, RC circuits 6 Homework & Quiz 7 Magnetic field & magnetic forces Magnetic field, field line & magnetic flux, motion of charged particle in magnetic field, torque on a current loop 6 Homework & Quiz 8 magnetic field & Electromagnetic induction part 1 Various magnetic field sources, Ampere’s law & its application, Faraday’s & Lenz’s laws, motional electromotive force 4 Homework & Quiz 9 Electromagnetic induction part 2 & Mid-term exam Induced electric fields, displacement current. Exam (without review in class) 4 Homework & Quiz 10 Inductance Mutual & self inductance, inductors, RL circuits, LC circuits, LRC series circuits 4 Homework & Quiz 11 AC Phasor & AC, resistance and reactance, LRC circuits, power in AC circuits, resonance in AC circuits, transformers 6 Homework & Quiz 12 Electromagnetic waves Maxwell’s equation & electromagnetic waves, plane electromagnetic waves & light speed, Energy & momentum in electromagnetic waves 4 Homework & Quiz 13 Light propagation Light, reflection & refraction, total internal reflection, polarization, Huygen’s principle 4 Homework & Quiz 14 Geometric optics & optical instruments Reflection & refraction at plane & spherical surfaces, thin lens, cameras, eyes, magnifier, microscopes & telescopes 8 Homework & Quiz 15 Final review Final review all previous lecture materials 2 Homework & Quiz

Final exam Final exam 2 Exam 六、教材及参考书目(四号黑体) H.D Young and R.A.Freedman,Sear and Zemansky's University Physics with Modern Physics,12th Edition,Pearson Education,008(chapter21-6). 七、教学方法(四号黑体) General Physics II is a general introduction to electricity and magnetism,as well as basic optics,at ready for future researches in world-leading institutions around the world.A Quiz is given afte each chapter is taught to make sure all students fully understand the contents from this chapter. After finishing each chapter,one homework is assigned,which should be handed in next week, and then reviewed by the Teaching Assistant. 八、考核方式及评定方法(四号黑体) (一)课程考核与课程目标的对应关系(小四号黑体) 表4:课程考核与课程目标的对应关系表(五号宋体) 课程目标 考核要点 考核方式 Being able to apply various laws (Coulomb's Faraday's Ohm's,Lenz's.etc.)tosolve 程目标1 problems inelectromagnetism Homework&Quiz and to calculate current, potential,resistance,power for simple DC and AC eircuits Being able to describe simple electrical components(resistors, capacitors.inductors)and 课程目标2 measu rement devices Homework Quiz (ammeters,ohmmeters) and to describe the relationship between electricity magnetism and understand the

10 Final exam Final exam 2 Exam 六、教材及参考书目(四号黑体) H. D Young and R. A. Freedman, Sear and Zemansky's University Physics with Modern Physics, 12th Edition, Pearson Education, 2008 (chapter 21 - 36). 七、教学方法 (四号黑体) General Physics II is a general introduction to electricity and magnetism, as well as basic optics, at the first-year university level, after General Physics I has been taught. Lectures, that contain various forms, such as videos and other media platforms, are taught in English to get the students ready for future researches in world-leading institutions around the world. A Quiz is given after each chapter is taught to make sure all students fully understand the contents from this chapter. After finishing each chapter, one homework is assigned, which should be handed in next week, and then reviewed by the Teaching Assistant. 八、考核方式及评定方法(四号黑体) (一)课程考核与课程目标的对应关系 (小四号黑体) 表 4:课程考核与课程目标的对应关系表(五号宋体) 课程目标 考核要点 考核方式 课程目标 1 Being able to apply various laws (Coulomb’s, Faraday’s, Ohm’s, Lenz’s, etc.) to solve problems in electromagnetism and to calculate current, potential, resistance, power for simple DC and AC circuits Homework & Quiz 课程目标 2 Being able to describe simple electrical components (resistors, capacitors, inductors) and measurement devices (ammeters, ohmmeters) and to describe the relationship between electricity & magnetism and understand the Homework & Quiz
