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北京大学:网络搜索引擎原理(PPT讲稿)Web Graph & Link Analysis

◼ Web 有多大? ◼ Web的连通性如何? ◼ Web上节点的分布如何? ◼ Web上节点距离有多远? ◼ Web上节点重要度如何度量?

Nc&IS Web Graph Link Analysis http:/ 彭波 北京大学信息科学技术学院 9/27/2010

Web Graph & Link Analysis 彭波 北京大学信息科学技术学院 9/27/2010

上一讲主要内容 crawle面临的难题 Scalable, fast, polite ync UDP robust, continuous (slack about DNS prefetch K expiry dates) Text indexing client (UDP) 画晶实现高效率的基本技术 cache Cache Hyperlink Prefetch HttpH normalizer receve a Concurrency Page fetching context'thread disPageKnown? 多进程/多线程 e Craw k+ 异步I/O Persistent work-threadK H isUrlVisited? K+ pool of URLs 〓■有趣的技术 Bloom filter Consistent Hashing

上一讲主要内容 ◼ Crawler面临的难题 ◼ Scalable, fast, polite, robust, continuous ◼ 实现高效率的基本技术 ◼ Cache ◼ Prefetch ◼ Concurrency ◼ 多进程/多线程 ◼ 异步I/O ◼ 有趣的技术 ◼ Bloom filter ◼ Consistent Hashing

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Web Graph a玉 an Kodak Canon Worl wide Gateway Apple-Products-QuikTie TOshiba Dell C debe Systemi Incorporated Corpor atien td. Logitech Keyboards AMDE Adva AsUS International lemas Instruments In Veritas softw check c)2003 Touch Graph llC

Web Graph

Giant Global Graph My Spac Linkedin Pinkbike PASA biking c content benullman. col google (portfolio sitel news creativity meetup me side proje groups Charlotte google groups employer Design Twitter personal site. intranet Charlotte o● leg: site owner, partner) shopping weekly O●幽 (eg: contributor, organizer Last. fm shallow Icc mont Amazon ebay Pandora (eg maintain a profile)

Giant Global Graph

图论、线性代数若干概念回顾 ■图,有向图,邻接矩阵,节点的度( degree),两节 点间的距离(d),图的直径(r),图的连通性, 有向图的强连通分支,连通分支 nd(uV):从u到v的最短路径的长度 r(G):最大的距离 矩阵(A),矩阵的转置(AT),行列式(|A|) 线性相关性,矩阵的秩,特征值,特征向量,特征 子空间 Ax=x, (I-A)x=0

图论、线性代数若干概念回顾 ◼ 图,有向图,邻接矩阵,节点的度(degree),两节 点间的距离(d),图的直径(r),图的连通性, 有向图的强连通分支,连通分支 ◼ d(u,v):从u到v的最短路径的长度 ◼ r(G):最大的距离 ◼ 矩阵(A),矩阵的转置(AT),行列式(|A|), 线性相关性,矩阵的秩,特征值,特征向量,特征 子空间 Ax = x, (I − A)x = 0

本次课大纲 nWeb有多大? Web的连通性如何? Web上节点的分布如何? Web上节点距离有多远? Web上节点重要度如何度量?

本次课大纲 ◼ Web 有多大? ◼ Web的连通性如何? ◼ Web上节点的分布如何? ◼ Web上节点距离有多远? ◼ Web上节点重要度如何度量?

Nc&IS Web有多大?

Web 有多大?

Web的大小一网页总数 ■图大小不可知,也无法定义 估计Web图节点数的下界 搜索引擎索引的网页数( crawled pages) 例如 CNNIC中国互联网网页调查报告 ■能更逼近真实值吗? 亿个 84.7 □网页数 一网页数增长率 240% 200.1% 180% 178.0% 44.7 89.49 120% 30 260 98.5% 60% 8.7 1.6 2002.122003.122004.122005.122006.122007.12

Web的大小—网页总数 ◼ 图大小不可知,也无法定义 ◼ 估计Web图节点数的下界 ◼ 搜索引擎索引的网页数(crawled pages) ◼ 例如CNNIC中国互联网网页调查报告 ◼ 能更逼近真实值吗?

Capture-Recapture Model Unknown number of fish in a lake Catch a sample and mark them m++, Let them loose Recapture a sample and look for marks Estimate population size n1 number in first sample 15 n2 number in second sample 10 n12 number in both samples 5 N= total population size assume that n1/N= n12/n2 therefore 15/N 5/10 N=(10X15)/5=30

Capture-Recapture Model ◼ Unknown number of fish in a lake ◼ Catch a sample and mark them ◼ Let them loose ◼ Recapture a sample and look for marks ◼ Estimate population size ◼ n1 = number in first sample 15 n2 = number in second sample 10 n12 = number in both samples 5 N = total population size assume that n1/N = n12/n2 therefore 15/N = 5/10 N = (10 x 15) / 5 = 30
