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中国科学技术大学:《Linux操作系统分析》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第一章 绪论(主讲:陈香兰)

主要内容 Linux简介 一些预备知识 操作系统基本概念 堆栈 内核态 vs 用户态 虚拟内存 分析和实验验证环境 VMware 、QEMU、VirtualBox SourceInsight 相关工具介绍:GNU Tools等

第一章、绪论 令主要内容 Linux简介 一些预备知识 ●操作系统基本概念 ●堆栈 ●内核态w用户态958 虚拟内存 分析和实验验证环境 ● VMware、QEMU、 VirtualBox ● Sourcelnsight 相关工具介绍: GNu Tools等 2021/1/30 嵌入式系统实验室 xlanchen: Linux Os Analysis 60 EM日 EDDED SYSTEM LA日口 RATORY

2021/1/30 xlanchen:Linux OS Analysis 60 第一章、绪论 ❖主要内容 ➢Linux简介 ➢一些预备知识 ⚫操作系统基本概念 ⚫堆栈 ⚫内核态 vs 用户态 ⚫虚拟内存 ➢分析和实验验证环境 ⚫VMware 、QEMU、VirtualBox ⚫SourceInsight ➢相关工具介绍:GNU Tools等

第一章、绪论 令主要内容 Linux简介 一些预备知识 ●操作系统基本概念 ●堆栈 ●内核态w用户态958 虚拟内存 分析和实验验证环境 ● VMware、QEMU、Ⅴ irtualBox ● Sourcelnsight 相关工具介绍: GNu Tools等 2021/1/30 嵌入式系统实验室 xlanchen: Linux Os Analysis 60 EM日 EDDED SYSTEM LA日口 RATORY

2021/1/30 xlanchen:Linux OS Analysis 60 第一章、绪论 ❖主要内容 ➢Linux简介 ➢一些预备知识 ⚫操作系统基本概念 ⚫堆栈 ⚫内核态 vs 用户态 ⚫虚拟内存 ➢分析和实验验证环境 ⚫VMware、QEMU、VirtualBox ⚫SourceInsight ➢相关工具介绍:GNU Tools等

什么是 Linux? 令 Linux是一个类Unⅸx(Unix-like)的操作系统 在1991年发行了它的第一个版本 令在 Linux内核维护网站上,“ What is linux? 1958 2021/1/30 嵌入式系统实验室 xlanchen: Linux Os Analysis 60 EM日 EDDED SYSTEM LA日口 RATORY

2021/1/30 xlanchen:Linux OS Analysis 60 什么是Linux? ❖Linux是一个类Unix(Unix-like)的操作系统, 在1991年发行了它的第一个版本 ❖在Linux内核维护网站上,“What is Linux?

From“” 令Liux的来历和目标 Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the net. It aims towards POsiX and Single uni Specification compal Portable Operating System Interface Standard ☆ Linux的工可移植操作系统接口标淮准 由正EE制订,并由sO接受为国际标准 >It has all tha tantiirac uo1 would avant in n modern full fledged Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电气电子工程师学会[美] ua memorv naicu italics uclan maury shared copy-o, International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织 manag Pv4 and ipu 制定各行各业各种产品和服务的技术规范(国际标准) 2021/1/30 嵌入式系统实验室 xlanchen: Linux Os Analysis 60 EM日 EDDED SYSTEM LA日口 RATORY

2021/1/30 xlanchen:Linux OS Analysis 60 From “” ❖Linux的来历和目标: ➢Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance. ❖Linux的功能 ➢It has all the features you would expect in a modern fully￾fledged Unix, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables, proper memory management, and multistack networking including IPv4 and IPv6. Portable Operating System Interface Standard 可移植操作系统接口标准 由IEEE制订,并由ISO接受为国际标准。 Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电气电子工程师学会[美] International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织 制定各行各业各种产品和服务的技术规范(国际标准)

令 Linux支持的目标体系结构 Although originally developed first for 32-bit x86-based PCs(386 or higher), today Linux also runs on(at least) the Alpha aXp, sun SParC, Motorola 68000 PowerPC, ARM, Hitachi SuperH, IBM S/390, MIPS HP PA-RISC. Intel IA-64. AMd x86-64AXIS CRIS Renesas m32R. Atmel avR32 Renesas h8/300. NEC V850, Tensilica Xtensa, and Analog devices Blackfin architectures; for many of these architectures in both 32 and 64-bit variants 2021/1/30 嵌入式系统实验室 xlanchen: Linux Os Analysis 60 EM日 EDDED SYSTEM LA日口 RATORY

2021/1/30 xlanchen:Linux OS Analysis 60 ❖Linux支持的目标体系结构 ➢Although originally developed first for 32-bit x86-based PCs (386 or higher), today Linux also runs on (at least) the Alpha AXP, Sun SPARC, Motorola 68000, PowerPC, ARM, Hitachi SuperH, IBM S/390, MIPS, HP PA-RISC, Intel IA-64, AMD x86-64, AXIS CRIS, Renesas M32R, Atmel AVR32, Renesas H8/300, NEC V850, Tensilica Xtensa, and Analog Devices Blackfin architectures; for many of these architectures in both 32- and 64-bit variants

令在内存管理方面不得不说的 Linux is easily portable to most general-purpose 32-or 64-bit architectures as long as they have a paged memory management unit(PMMU) and a port of the GNU C compiler(gcc)(part of The GNU Compiler Collection, GCC). Linux has also been ported to a number of architectures without a Pmmu. although functionality is then obviously somewhat limited. See the uclinux project for more info 2021/1/30 嵌入式系统实验室 xlanchen: Linux Os Analysis 60 EM日 EDDED SYSTEM LA日口 RATORY

2021/1/30 xlanchen:Linux OS Analysis 60 ❖在内存管理方面不得不说的 ➢Linux is easily portable to most general-purpose 32- or 64-bit architectures as long as they have a paged memory management unit (PMMU) and a port of the GNU C compiler (gcc) (part of The GNU Compiler Collection, GCC). Linux has also been ported to a number of architectures without a PMMU, although functionality is then obviously somewhat limited. See the µClinux project for more info

“ Linux” 令在不同的语境下,“ Linux'具有不同的内涵,例 如 LinⅨ内核、 Linux系统或 Linux开发套件等术语。 令严格来说, Linux指的是 Linux torvalds维护的( 及通过主要和镜像网站发布的)内核。 GNU/Linux GNULinux的拥护者们认为,Linx仅仅是指 Linux内 核,而整个LinⅨ系统的大部分都建立在GNU软件之 2021/1/30 嵌入式系统实验室 xlanchen: Linux Os Analysis 60 EM日 EDDED SYSTEM LA日口 RATORY

2021/1/30 xlanchen:Linux OS Analysis 60 “Linux” ❖在不同的语境下,“Linux”具有不同的内涵,例 如: ➢Linux内核、Linux系统或Linux开发套件等术语。 ❖严格来说,Linux指的是Linux Torvalds维护的( 及通过主要和镜像网站发布的)内核。 ❖GNU/Linux ➢GNU/Linux的拥护者们认为,Linux仅仅是指Linux内 核,而整个Linux系统的大部分都建立在GNU软件之 上

G GNU Operating System What is GNU? The GNU Project was launched in 1984 to develop a complete Unix-like operating system which is free software: the GNU System GNUs kernel wasn t finished. so GNu is used with the kerne Linux. The combination of gnu and linux is the gnuflinux operating system, now used by millions. (Sometimes this combination is incorrectly called Linux. There are many variants or"distributions" of GNU/Linux. We recommend the gnuflinux distributions that are 100% free Software, in other words, entirely freedom-respecting 2021/1/30 xlanchen: Linux Os Analysis 60 嵌入式系统实验室 EM日 EDDED SYSTEM LA日口 RATORY

2021/1/30 xlanchen:Linux OS Analysis 60 ❖GNU,“g-noo”,“GNU's Not Unix

Linux内核维护网站 ☆htp/是 The linux Kernel archives Welcome to the Linux Kernel Archives. This is the primary site for the Linux kernel source, but it has much more than just Linux kernels. Frequently Asked questions Protocol Location Protocol Location HITP .org/pub/HttPhttp FTP ftp: //ftp kernel. org/pub/ ftp: //ftp. eu. kernel. org/pub/ RSYNC rsync: / /rsync kernel. org/pub/ RSYNC rsync: //rsync. eu kernel. org/pub/ The latest stable version of the Linux kernel i 2. 6. 26.8 2008-08-20 18: 18 UTC FY VI C Changelog The latest prepatch for the stable Linux kernel tree is: 2.6. 27-Ic5 2008-08-28 23: 10 UIC BYVI C Changelog The latest snapshot for the stable Linux kernel tree is: 2.6.27-Ic5-git9 2008-09-07 12: 01 UIc b The latest 2. 4 version of the Linux kernel is 2008-09-07 10: 22 UTC FY C Changelog The latest prepatch for the 2. 4 Linux kernel tree 2.4.37-rc1 2008-09-07 16: 41 UTC B V C Changelog The latest 2.2 version of the Linux kernel 2.2 2004-02-25 00: 28 UTC F V Changelog The latest prepatch for the 2. 2 Linux kernel tree i 2.2.27-rc2 2005-01-12 23: 55 UIC BVVI Changelog The latest -mm patch to the stable Linux kernels is 2.6.27-rc51200809-0505:03Up Changelog F= full source, B= patch baseline, T=view patch Ti = view incremental, C Changelogs are provi ded by the kernel authors directl,. Please don t write the webmaster about ther Customize the patch viewer

2021/1/30 xlanchen:Linux OS Analysis 60 Linux内核维护网站 ❖ ❖The Linux Kernel Archives Mirror System

Linux发展简史 令1991年11月,芬兰赫尔辛基大学的学生 Linus Torvalds写了个小程序,后来取名为Lnux,放在 互联网上。他表达了一个愿望,希望借此搞出 个操作系统的“内核”来,这完全是一个偶然事 件 令1993,在一批高水平黑客的参与下,诞生了 Linux 0版 令1994年,LinuⅨx的第一个商业发行版 Slackware问 世 2021/1/30 嵌入式系统实验室 xlanchen: Linux Os Analysis 60 EM日 EDDED SYSTEM LA日口 RATORY

2021/1/30 xlanchen:Linux OS Analysis 60 Linux发展简史 ❖1991年11月,芬兰赫尔辛基大学的学生 Linus Torvalds写了个小程序,后来取名为Linux,放在 互联网上。他表达了一个愿望,希望借此搞出一 个操作系统的“内核”来,这完全是一个偶然事 件 ❖1993,在一批高水平黑客的参与下,诞生了Linux 1.0 版 ❖1994年,Linux 的第一个商业发行版 Slackware 问 世
