《高级Web技术》参考资料:3-WS与工作流_4-Service web_BPELOverview

BPEL: Building Standards Based Business processes with Web services
BPEL: Building StandardsBased Business Processes with Web Services

Agenda xWhat is and Why BPEL? x Orchestration Vs Choreography 区 BPEL vocabulary Activities Partners Variables Flow. Link Correlation 区 Scopes of BPEL X BPEL and Java technology 区 Open issues of bpel
Agenda What is and Why BPEL? Orchestration vs. Choreography BPEL vocabulary – Activities – Partners – Variables – Flow, Link, Correlation Scopes of BPEL BPEL and Java technology Open issues of BPEL


Web services meet business Processes Web Web Service 1 Service 4 Web Web Service 2 Service 5 Web Web Service 3 Service n
Web Services Meet Business Processes Web Service 1 Web Service 2 Web Service 3 Web Service 4 Web Service 5 Web Service n

Need for Composition of Web services Business applications have to interoperate and integrate The most recent answer to the integration challenge is the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and the web services technologies Different business applications exposing their functionalities through web services E Developing the web services and exposing the functionalities is not sufficient. We also need a way to compose these functionalities in the right order(Business process)
Need for Composition of Web Services Business applications have to interoperate and integrate The most recent answer to the integration challenge is the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and the web services technologies – Different business applications exposing their functionalities through web services Developing the web services and exposing the functionalities is not sufficient. We also need a way to compose these functionalities in the right order (Business process)

Example Problem Space 0010 0 101 Credit Service 0010 Invoice Consolidate PO Service Client h ve 0 10 1101 onse/ Inventory Service
Example Problem Space Client PO Service Credit Service Inventory Service Purchase Order Credit Check Reserve Inventory Credit Response Inventory Response Invoice Consolidate Results

Business Process Challenges x Coordinate asynchronous x Manipulate/transform communication between data between partner services interactions 区 Correlate message x Support for long running exchanges between business transactions parties and activities k Implement parallel 区 Provide consistent processing of activities exception handling x Implement compensation [x Need for universal data logic(Undo operations) model for message exchange 区
Business Process Challenges Coordinate asynchronous communication between services Correlate message exchanges between parties Implement parallel processing of activities Implement compensation logic (Undo operations) . . . Manipulate/transform data between partner interactions Support for long running business transactions and activities Provide consistent exception handling Need for universal data model for message exchange . .

Recent History of Business Process Standards BPML BPSS WsCI WS-Choreography (Intallio et al) (ebXML) (Sun et al) (W3c) 2000/052001/032001/052001/062002032002/062002082003/012003/04 XLang WSFL WSCL BPEL4WS 1.0 BPEL4WS 1.1 (Microsoft) (IBM) (HP) (IBM, Microsoft) (OASIS)
Recent History of Business Process Standards 2000/05 XLang (Microsoft) 2001/03 BPML (Intallio et al) 2001/05 WSFL (IBM) 2001/06 BPSS (ebXML) 2002/03 BPEL4WS 1.0 (IBM, Microsoft) BPEL4WS 1.1 (OASIS) 2002/06 2003/01 WS-Choreography (W3C) 2003/04 WSCI (Sun et al) WSCL (HP) 2002/08

What is BPeL?
What is BPEL?

Web services business Process Execution Language Version 1.0 released by iBM, microsoft and bea in August 2002 Accompanied by WS-Coordination, WS-Transaction which remain unsubmitted to standards bodies Version 1. 1 submitted to OaSiS April 2003 Version 1.2 draft spec available May 2005) XML language for describing business processes based on Web services Convergence of XLANG Microsoft) and WSFL (IBM) precedented industry consensus IBM. Microsoft. Oracle. Sun beA, saP Siebel
Web Services Business Process Execution Language • Version 1.0 released by IBM, Microsoft and BEA in August 2002 • Accompanied by WS-Coordination, WS-Transaction which remain unsubmitted to standards bodies • Version 1.1 submitted to OASIS April 2003 • Version 1.2 draft spec available (May 2005) • XML language for describing business processes based on Web services • Convergence of XLANG (Microsoft) and WSFL (IBM) • Unprecendented industry consensus • IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun, BEA, SAP, Siebel …
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:2-Web上的数据标准-XML_XML基础—概述与语法.pdf
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- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:1-webapp outline_拥抱Web3.0.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:1-webapp outline_what is web2.0.docx
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:1-webapp outline_web app outline Web 技术概述.ppt
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:1-webapp outline_web app outline Web 技术概述.pdf
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- 高级Web技术:Web开发敏捷之道——应用Rails进行敏捷Web开发(第2版).pdf
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- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:应用web - EJB 3RD EDITION - Richard Monson-Haefel.pdf
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