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西安建筑科技大学:《数据结构基础》课程课堂笔记_第二部分 栈、队列、递归方法_队列 Queues(英文)

西安建筑科技大学:《数据结构基础》课程课堂笔记_第二部分 栈、队列、递归方法_队列 Queues(英文)

2008级计算机专业数据结构 内部资料,仅供课堂教学使用 Chapter 3 Queues P78 Specifications for Queues 4. Demonstration and Testing 2. Implementations of Queues 5. Application: Airport Simulation 3. Contiguous Queues in C++ 3. 1]Specifications for Queues 3.1.1 Queue Operations P80 3.1.2 Extended Queues P82-83 3.2 Implementations of Queues Circular Implementation of Queues P86 Circular arrays in C++ P87 Boundary conditions p87 Implementations of Queues P8: Programming Precept: Practice information hiding: Separate the application of data structures from their 3.3 Contiguous Queues in C++( Circular Implementation of Queues in C++) Class definition p89 Initialization p 90 Basic Queue Methods P90-91 3.4]Demonstration and Testing P.93 List of commands p94 Performing a Command P9 3.5 Application: Airport Simulation 3.5.1P.96 Simulation is the use of one system to imitate the behavior of another system. A computer simulation is a program to imitate the behavior of the system under study 3.5.2 Application of Queues: Simulation of an Airport P97-99 1. The same runway is used for both landings and takeoffs 2. One plane can land or take off in a unit of time, but not both 3. A random number of planes arrive in each time unit 4. A plane waiting to land goes before one waiting to take off. 5. The planes that are waiting are kept in queues landing and takeoff, both of which have a strictly limited 3.5.4 The runway Class Specification P 100 3.5.5 The Plane class specification P101 3.5.6 Simulation Initialization P102 Runway Methods P.102-103 Handling runway Access P103-104 Plane initialization P104 Plane methods P 105 Finishing the Simulation P 106-107 Pointers and pitfalls 7 items P110 Errata p 90, line 9: Change"retrun"to"return p. 106, line 4 of method shut down: Change"conluded"to"concluded

2008 级 计算机专业 数据结构 课堂教学笔记 内部资料,仅供课堂教学使用 Chapter 3 Queues P.78 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Specifications for Queues 2. Implementations of Queues 3. Contigu ous Queues in C++ 4. Demonstration and Testing 5. Application: Airport Simulation [3.1] Specifications for Queues 3.1.1 Queue Operations P. 80 3.1.2 Extended Queues P. 82-83 [3.2]Implementations of Queues Circular Implementation of Queues P. 86 Circular arrays in C++ P. 87 Boundary Conditions P. 87 Implementations of Queues P. 88 Programming Precept: Practice information hiding: Separate the application of data structures from their implementation. [3.3] Contiguous Queues in C++ (Circular Impleme ntation of Queues in C++) Class definition P. 89 Initialization P. 90 Basic Queue Methods P. 90-91 [3.4] Demonstration and Testing P. 93 List of Commands P. 94 Performing a Command P. 95 [3.5] Application: Airport Simulation 3.5.1 P. 96 Simulation is the use of one system to imitate the behavior of another system. A computer simulation is a program to imitate the behavior of the system under study. 3.5.2 Application of Queues: Simulation of an Airport P. 97-99 1. The same runway is used for both landings and takeoffs. 2. One plane can land or take off in a unit of time, but not both. 3. A random number of planes arrive in each time unit. 4. A plane waiting to land goes before one waiting to take off. 5. The planes that are waiting are kept in queues landing and takeoff, both of which have a strictly limited size. 3.5.4 The Runway Class Specification P. 100 3.5.5 The Plane Class Specification P. 101 3.5.6 Simulation Initialization P. 102 Runway Methods P. 102-103 Handling Runway Access P. 103-104 Plane Initialization P. 104 Plane Methods P. 105 Finishing the Simulation P. 106-107 Pointers and Pitfalls 7 items P.110 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Errata p. 90, line 9: Change "retrun" to "return". p. 106, line 4 of method shut_down: Change "conluded" to "concluded". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
